Thursday, June 22, 2017



WB:  Sunny
ISO: 2800

When approaching this assignment I wanted to take candid photos, of someone I didn't know. I am constantly using my son and husband as my muses, and I wanted to get my feet wet. I walked around Downtown Middletown yesterday afternoon and this afternoon looking for the "decisive moment". Yesterday, I met a guy who saw me (and my camera) coming from the moment I got out of my car (2 blocks away). His face was weathered, and he looked exhausted. The life experiences hung from each wrinkle of his face. When I was close enough to talk to him, he told me not to take his picture. That no one had taken his picture in 18 years. That his mother was the last person to take his picture, and she died shortly after. "I don't let anyone take my picture anymore, I do not want to ruin my last memory of her." So, I sat and we chatted for a while. But, the experience stuck with me through the night. 

The above photo, was taken at the senior citizen living facility right behind the Thrall Library. "Grandpa" (as I  am calling him) seemed to have meditated himself into sleep. He was shaded by a tree, and the buildings. It was around 11am today, and the sun was still in the Eastern part of the sky. There is a serene mood, just very peaceful.

In Photoshop: I isolated Grandpa with a magnetic lasso, and I decreased the saturation of him. I then worked with the levels to create depth. 

Compositional Elements: I feel there is depth in this image, with the blurred out foliage behind him. I also see a great amount of texture in his clothing and the weathering of his skin.


I believe the strongest part of this image is the depth of field. With using a smaller numbered aperture, I was able to really define my subject. I also believe the fact that it is a candid photo is a major strength. It is unposed and unaffected by human insecurity. I believe the part of the image I could improve was the angle of the photo. If he was awake, I probably would have dropped to a knee, so I could have gotten more of his face. I was afraid of waking him though. 

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